Career Services

Digital Marketing Training
Client: Park Innovation
Project Overview:This project involved a crucial role in educating and empowering aspiring digital marketers at Park Innovation. The objective was to equip...
DevOps Training
Client: Park Innovation
Project Overview:This role was focused on developing the next generation of DevOps professionals through expert training and mentorship at Park Innovation. The...
Employability Training of Trainers
Client: Secours Islamique France
Project Overview:The “High Quality Employability Trainer” project, part of the “My Career, My Choice” Livelihoods Project by Secours Islamique France (SIF), aimed...
Business English and Digital Marketing Training
Client: Right To Play International
Project Overview:The STEP Project, funded by UNICEF, is designed to support vulnerable adolescents and youth, particularly school dropouts, in developing essential 21st-century...
English Training
Client: Right To Play International
Project Overview:RTP sought an expert consultant to conduct an English course for parents/mothers in South and North Palestinian camps. The goal is...
Digital Marketing and Social Media Vocational Training
Client: Save the Children International
Project Overview:Save the Children sought a Social Media and Digital Marketing service provider to deliver training to a diverse group of youth...
Career Counselling
Client: Women's Programs Association
Project Overview:Women’s Programs Association is in the process of contracting a Career Counsellor for its project titled “”My Career – My Choice.””...